Peratomic pricing scales with your franchise.
Build Your Peratomic Price.
Peratomic pricing is flexible, designed for franchises of any size and growing at any pace. The Peratomic platform combines software, services, and a system to offer turnkey digital marketing for your franchise.
But if you don’t need full digital marketing management, you can use Peratomic software to manage your own digital campaigns. Just set the campaign count to 0 in the pricing calculator.
The Peratomic platform combines services, software, and a system.
Work with an experienced creative services and production team.
The Peratomic team offers all the services needed to unearth the best digital campaign ideas, then works with everyone involved to collaborate, produce, schedule, and publish dynamic campaigns that connect with audiences.
Minimize cost with Peratomic’s proprietary software.
Peratomic reduces labor and expenses by automating the publishing of local and personal campaign variations to every website, social page, and email audience within the brand. Plus, every campaign message includes trackable links so you can monitor KPI’s and know which campaigns are filling your CRM, websites, and stores with activity and sales.
The Peratomic system is designed for efficient collaboration.
Peratomic includes our project management system to make working together easy and efficient. It draws on the strengths of everyone involved without wasting anyone’s time. Meetings are focused, input timing is flexible, and timely communications keep everyone updated.
What you can do with Peratomic.
Unify your brand and mission online.
Peratomic centralized content management ensures your brand, mission, and message remain unified across your online channels.
Keep franchisees in the loop.
Schedule and send personalized emails to franchisees and employees to inspire action or ensure they’re ready for upcoming promotions.
Communicate anything consistently.
Use campaigns to communicate anything to customers, employees, and franchisees.
Manage local content in less time.
Centralized management ensures consistency and reduces the time it takes to manage your local presence online.
Fill your CRM with leads.
Use web content, social posts, and emails to drive traffic to lead generators that fill your CRM with activity.
Keep in touch with customers.
Build a more loyal customer base by sending localized and personalized emails to customers across your brand.
Put marketing campaigns on auto-pilot.
Peratomic automatically manages where and when every message in a campaign runs, so you don’t have to. Even better, give local franchisees autonomy in localizing their promotions while maintaining a cohesive brand and message online.
Save time.
Peratomic automates publishing – slashing the time it takes to keep everything updated.
Reduce hiring sprees.
Peratomic eases your production load by managing your digital marketing campaigns so you can get a better return with less staff.
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